Add photo to gif full#
One solution to add image to GIF is to make full use of the online tools, because of their easy accessibility and no occupying storage in PC. If you want to make an interesting GIF using pictures or convert your video to GIF, MiniTool MovieMaker can help you. It’s also a solution to avoid redoing a new GIF when you forget to insert one important picture. Overlaying image to GIF can add your own logo, watermark, and family photos to, which can make a GIF more complete. The following contents would introduce you two solutions to add image to GIF, online, or on desktop.
Add photo to gif download#
You will be redirected to the GIF page when it is complete.When you make an interesting GIF on your own or download one from social media, due to the protection of your copyright or adding some more funny stuff on it, you may need the trick of adding image to GIF. Hit the Upload to GIPHY button to finish.This step is optional but highly encouraged. Private GIFs cannot be seen by anyone but you when you are logged in and can't be shared. You can also change your GIF from Public to Private. Select Continue to Upload where you can Add Tags to your GIFs, separated by commas (no # needed), and add a Source URL to give credit to the original source.Use the tabs next to the caption editor to explore effects, stickers, and other fun decorators for your GIF! This step is optional. You can then reposition your caption, edit the text, or remove the caption. You will have the option to decorate if you choose. Select the Continue to Decorate button.The max duration for the total GIF is 15 seconds, meaning the more images you enter, the shorter the duration each image will appear. This duration only applies to stills as GIFs will always play all the way through once before changing. Use the slider to change the length of time still images will appear in your slideshow before going to the next image.Drag and drop images to change the order of your images to change the way they will appear in your slideshow.and not just any website URL (example GIF URL: ) Pro-tip: If you add an image via URL make sure your URL is an image URL ending in. To do this, make sure to start with your URL, and then click Add More Images from the next page. You can combine both stills and GIFs by first selecting Add Any URL.Choose Photo or GIF to add by dragging and dropping, clicking the blue search button to browse your files, or entering image URLs to add files to your slideshow.Looking to make GIFs out of still images? Use the Slideshow option within our GIFMaker to combine your pictures and GIFs into an animated GIF slideshow, a GIF presentation, or a funny GIF mashup! Visit /create/gifmaker to get started. You can share your GIF slideshow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, text message, email, and everywhere! Read more about sharing GIFs on social media.You will be redirected to the GIF page when it is complete. You can Add Tags to your GIFs, separated by commas (no # needed), and add a Source URL to give credit to the original source.You will have the option to decorate if you choose.Use the sliders to select Start Time on the video and the Duration of your GIF.Videos must be under 100MB and under 15 seconds long. Choose Video to add a video from your files, choose Add Any URL to enter a YouTube or video URL or drag and drop a video file into the GIFMaker screen to get started.Use GIF Maker to take it one step further and create, edit, and add captions to animated GIFs from video files and YouTube links. Just like uploading GIFs, you'll need to be signed into your GIPHY account to create GIFs. Use Upload to add your GIFs and creations to GIPHY so that you can share your GIFs on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text message, email, and more! Read more about how Upload works. Making GIFs is easy! Follow this guide to using our simple tools.